Well the last few months have been rather eventful. I will start with of course the ruler of our house, Braden. The week before Thanksgiving we flew to Delaware( specialist orthopedic doctors for Little People) Nemours Childrens Hospital to have Braden's bowed legs fixed. It was a successful 5 hour surgery. We stayed at the Ronald McDonald house there and have to say I never have really given to that charity, but will start. The took such awesome care of us. From food to transportation to and from airport to lodging they took care of everything. I recommend you all give to them, they truly are a amazing charity. Anyways, back to surgery, we stayed up there 8 days and returned right before Thanksgiving. Braden has had a rather good adjustment, considering he could not walk or bare any weight for 7 weeks, just last week he was able to start using a walker, and start moving around without the wheelchair. We have times of pure anxiety, but for the most part all has been good. Christmas was very good, we spent a few days in Waco at my Moms and visited with her and my sisters. Braden always seems to rack up on toys and junk which was no different this year, except he seemed to get more, I guess we felt we needed to make up for his lack of mobility. As we look to 2010 we have allot to look forward to. We leave in January to go get the cast off, this in itself is a great blessing. We hope you all have a wonderful and Happy New Year. Until next time, which I hope will not be 3 months, Take Care.
The Veronies